Disappointed Santa

What make Santa Disappointed?


Could be going down a chimney with out a house? Ending up in a field to no where. Why would anyone put a chimney in the middle of a field?    SANTA DOESN’T KNOW!!

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I saw this chimney and satellite dish out in the middle of this field and was wondering what I was going to do with it. I was reading my friend http://tchistorygal.wordpress.com  blog when she had mentioned about Santa and chimney, I thought that’s it.

I think Santa would have been upset if he had discovered that no one lived there. What do you think?

"O" Christmas Tree

  Dec 18,2011

There have been a few years that we have been on the West Coast for the Holidays.

Nancy and I bought a Christmas tree and set it up outside our motor home at the RV Park in (Jamul,CA)  Many people would come by and tell us that they loved our tree.


We decided to have a little Christmas party with lots of food and snacks and a few of our friends and neighbors.


Everyone enjoyed themselves. We sat around the fire pit and talked and laughed. Had plenty of food and drinks and some snacks though out the party, there was probably about 20 people here.


 Our friend Jack came over and invited Nancy and I to he and Joyce’s house for Christmas dinner. It was great, everyone made us feel welcome and the food was awesome . Joyce is a very good cook. Thank You, Jack and Joyce we had good time.

    We got together again on New Years Day with several of our friends, decided to have a pot luck type of dinner to celebrate  New Year’s Day. There was probably 18 people there. Again everyone enjoyed themselves there was plenty of food and drink  for everyone.  Everyone left happy and full and probably with a little buss.

  Wow!! What a Christmas and New Year holiday !!!  

    This was probably one of the best holiday season we ever had.

   It all started with a Christmas Tree.  Thank you Christmas Tree and all our friends for making this one of our best Holiday ever.  Thank You Jesus for allowing us to celebrate your Birthday.

To Conner and Julia

A friend of ours lost his wife a few weeks ago. Their grandkids loved there grand parents.. Her husband wrote this to the G Kids from his wife. He sent us a copy and I found it so touching I asked him if it would be ok to share it.

Ron wrote back he would be honored.

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To Connor and Julia

Merry Christmas from Heaven

I still hear the songs.

I still see the lights.

I feel your love on a cold wintery night.  

I still share your hopes and all your care.

I’ll even remind you. So please say your prayers.

I just wanted to tell you. You make me proud.

You stand head and shoulders above all the crowd.

Keep trying each moment to stay in his grace.

I came hear before you to help set a place.

You don’t have to be perfect all the time.

He forgives if you slip, if you continue the climb.

To my family and friends, Please be thankful today.

I am still close beside you in a new special way.

I love you dearly. Now don’t shed a tear cause

I’m spending my Christmas with Jesus this year


Poem from Ron Cooper

Travel theme: Transportation


In looking through my folders of photos, I was amazed at how many photos that I had to fit in this category. Cee your right this is a fun post.


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That’s enough, you get the picture. I have many more but I never really thought about transportation. I just like something and I shoot it.             Merry Christmas to all

Weekly Photo Challenge:Changing Seasons ll


In  Augusta,GA you can tell that the Mr.. Winter is lurking around the corner with the,  temperature  dropping and the winds sharp as razors. Most of the tree have shed their beautiful leaves. It is amazing to watching trees, to often we never pay attention to the trees. Trees will start in the spring by getting little buds on their limbs, that turn in leaves or flowers. Trees give us shade when the heat outside becomes unbearable, the shield our houses from the summer heat. In the autumn of their life cycle they give us a spectacular show of awesome colors that we go goggle eye over, people get their cameras out and begin clicking away.

Then Mr.Winter pops it head out, drops snow on us and temperature drop to freezing levels, branches have ice on them and so do the roads, walk ways. People in the north have to shovel snow off their drive way in order to get there cars out to go to work

Before Mr. Winter come most towns and cities have a Christmas Parade. The little town of Guyton,GA were are son lives has one and we happen to be there during the parade a couple of years ago.

So I want to start the season post with the Guyton Parade.  


This is a snow storm which turned to Ice later that day while we where at Lake Erie visiting friends. 

Ice Tree Lake Erie          DSC_0930                     Ice Tree Branches Lake Erie

We move from chilly ice and snow to the season before all the Burrr ice, to autumn were the leaves are so stunning.      

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Summer time when everyone gets hot or become water ducks. Kids are out of school and families go on vacations. 

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Now we have the season most people like when all the flowers bloom, fresh vegetables grow and the weather is great.

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We were staying at our son’s while I was recovering from  shoulder surgery, I would go into town stop at Lowe’s pick up a couple of tomato plants. Then go into town and pick up some more tomato plants until our son  said, “I’ve never seen so many tomatoes.” We had so many tomatoes that he had to give many away, to most of his friends. We caned or froze as many as we could. Some times I go a little over board. It was all fun!

Last Red Maple Leaf of Autumn

Red Maple Leaf! The last red leaf of Autumn in Olmstead Park.

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Olmstead Park Augusta,Georgia


Have no fear that everything is going to be brown or dismally drab and non colorful. Not true because Mother Nature provides a replacement for the colorful leaves on the trees. With a holly tree full of red bears.  Beautifully green leaves with all the bright red berries that sparks up the park for all to enjoy.

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Then there is the beautiful white rose shaped tea camellias, that are growing on several trees in the park.

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Did I mention that with all of this beauty there is a small lake, with several ducks to feed along the shoreline. My motor home is sitting across the street where we can see the park and walk our dogs.

Only 26 more days of escrow before we move in our home up on the lake. We have our own Dock where we can park a boat and go fishing everyday.