Weekly Photo Challenge": Color


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This a Packard La Salle ambulance, I think I’m right I938 or 39. I had it written down but I can’t remember where I put it. It’s very rare and very collectable. It was being restored to it’s original condition in a body shop in Augusta,GA on Broad street.




DSCN0772Hatch,NM   We were there for the Hatch chilies festival, this is the harvest of the chilies. Their chilies are sought-after by chefs, stores and individuals across the country. They produce the long johns/slim jims/Anaheim chilies. All of the same as far as I know. Vendors had drums with a lot of small holes in it and they would dump a whole burlap bag of the these long green chilies in the drum and start turning crank handle on the drum, with a torch blazing away began roasting the chilies. We bought a small bag of the roasted chilies- I say small by most other peoples bags and it still was 30 pounds. We put them in freezer bags , gave a lot of them to friends. It was a blast.


This one of my favorite colors.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Purple


This weeks challenge is funny to me because it’s been a joke between my wife and myself that Purple was my favorite color. The truth be known I sort of like it after all these years of being kidded about it.

Flowers in El Cajon, California.

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Flowers in Savannah,Georgia.

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Funny thing purple is still purple no matter what side of the USA your on.

Might be a shade or two different but still purple.