Weekly Photo Challenge:Humanity

PostaWeek/PostaDay                                            9/14/2014

The best place to get a good cross section of humanity is an attraction area. Like Vegas. Disney World, or the interstate highways



Weekly Photo Challenge:Dialogue



Checking my photographs for a couple of pictures that speak to each other – This is what I came up with – hope you enjoy them.

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While I was trying to get my camera out of the back of my truck, these two elk were banging heads. Just as I got ready to photograph them they quit. It looks like they were talking it over and walked away.

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Fray

PostaWeek/ PostaDay                                                                    8/22/2014


I was getting worried because I couldn’t find another picture for this challenge. If ropes are frayed or clothing frayed I throw then out. I don’t normally take pictures of them. So I’m at a loss for this challenge. Then I ran across this picture and it says  ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy” . Relax  so here are my choices.

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Weekly Photo Challenge:Silhouette

PostaWeeek/PostaDay                                                  8/15/2014

Silhouette of rock formations in the canyon.

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If you look in the lower right hand corner, I believe that is me but not really sure because I know that when the sun drops lower in the west shadows become longer.  I can say that if that isn’t my Silhouette than it most be someone else’s.

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Silhouette of the trees and bushes on this peaceful  water. With a small waterfalls and mountains in the background. Doesn’t get more calming and peaceful than this.

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Weekly Photo Challenge:Texture

PostaWeek/PostaDay                                                                             8/8/2014

“Big Foot”

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“Surprise  Finish”

Artist – Kaye Vandergrift Pierson        Sponsor – Van’s Pig Stand    7/7/2007

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“Cloud 9”

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Weekly Photo Challenge:Zigzag

PostaWeek/PostaDay                                          Aug 1, 2014


You need to be careful how far you zig or zag on this road.


As near as I can find out some of these trails go a mile down in the canyon – that is 5280ft down remember that is 5280 ft. back up. It is all hiking so be fit. when I was there I calculated the distance divided by my age – I got down 5 ft. and back up. My mind says lets do it and my body says your crazy.

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In this picture you can see people coming back up the trail.

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Weekly Photo Challenge:Room



My room today is a one room do it all because it is in our motor home. Are room acts as a gathering place to socialize – watch TV-and relax.

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To sleep and to eat, which most of the cooking and eating was outside.

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With so many guys in the room , it got kind of cluttered

These pictures were taken during an archery competition which my wife and I went on several shoots. Our gift to the boys was to give them a dry place to sleep and not have to eat all there meals at a diner. We cooked and cooked , fed them bacon, eggs, biscuits for breakfast and for lunch it was usually a couple of Boston butts That would be around four o’clock. The guys normally did not have anything to eat from breakfast until 4:00PM.  The boys paid for food all fees we just paid for fuel, I think they even gave us money for that.

The guy in red is my wife’s son, also are grandson is among them.

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It also subs as a dog house and their toys.

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You can see that my wife and I have had a few dogs over the years,all of them rescued. It wasn’t until after we had them several years that they had health problems. We loved them and they loved us, we gave them probably the best years of their lives. They shared our house and the room that I show in the above pictures.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Split-Second Story


Wild animals in out lives

Welcome and uninvited guests. Welcome because we have never had deer  come in our yard before. We lived most of our lives in a metropolitan areas. They are so spooky that the slightest move or noise they are gone. I took this shot through are glass screen door, I think some people call it a storm door.

The uninvited part of this picture is that if they got in our garden, they would have it demolished I a few in a few minutes. which reminds me I better go out and check if I closed the gate. We put in many hours planting.

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We were on our way to a RV park south of San Antonia,TX when I spotted this critter along side of the road. Being that we were in our motor home and towing a SUV there was no room to pull off the road. We checked into the park and I drove our car back to take this picture.

I thought many times about posting this picture and felt that not everyone would think the same as the person that put the beer bottle on the armadillo.

Made me wonder as I was passing it by with the motor home is he dead or just drunk.

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When  I took this picture above, I remembered a story a camper in Jasper, Canada told me. It was about a a highway south of the Canadian border – there were bears coming right up to the side of the road and people were feeding them. A woman wanted a picture of a bear eating out of her son’s hand. She poured some honey on the kids hand — . I don’t need to tell you the rest of the story.

This bird up above is a wild bird  – so I’m asking , what is keeping that bird from punching that beak straight into the boy’s hand.