Weekly Photo Challenge: UP

PostaDay/Post a Week

This a neat assignment because I use to always look down. Then things started looking up. So this a few photos, out of many  that I took when I was looking up. I hope everything is looking up for you.

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I walked outside this evening in December and there where hundreds of bird out there flying around and seems like all of them were screeching,I took several photos. It was scary out there, all the time I was photographing I was thinking of the Hitch Cock movie the Birds.  I sent a few of  them to Leanne Cole Photography in Australia to see what she could with them in Photo Shop. She did a fabulous job on them. I have been waiting for the right challenge to come along and this is it. Thank You Leanne.

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There is not many things that can make you look up more then fire works on the Fourth of July or any other time.

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