Week Photo Challenge: Unusual Point Of View

Post a Week

Hot Air Balloon

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I don’t know if this person is renting by the minute or by the hour

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Air Head

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Horses on the Roof

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These are my interpretations of point of view and most of them are unusual.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Change


This was a change for me because after falling off ladders a couple of times, I’m a little nervous about height. So going up in a hot air balloon was a big change for me.

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This was a change , I never have seen a horse walking on the roof of a mobile home before. We were in Cheyenne,WY . Had just gotten in about dusk on a Saturday. Got up on Sunday morning, opened up the front drapes in the motor home and there was this horse walking on the roof. Had to take a picture of this.

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What was a big change is moving from our house in California into our motor home. I don’t do change very well. For almost 6 months I would tell my wife how much I miss our home. I got over it and went on to live in our motor homes for the next 15 years.

This January we bought a house . Our motor home is sitting idle for now, that is we plan to take trips. I’m struggling inside of myself because I miss being on the road, in our motor home. I’m slowly adjusting by staying busy and filling our life with new things to do. Our house is bordered on the lake of 71,000 acre feet and 1200 miles of shore line. We are just beginning to get out on the lake  in the pontoon boat, cruise and fish.

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The woods are sprinkled with dogwood trees in blossom.
